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Athens in 6 hours

Explore Athens in 6 hours

Read this if you are planning to use Athens as a transit point to your next destination. So what will you do if you have 8-10 hours of layover in Athens before catching your next flight? Fret not, hold on to your passport and embark on a discovery journey of Athens as all you need is 6 hours of exploration!  Do note that Athens being a big city that has attracted a fair share of tourism shows there are tonnes of things to do in this crowded city. This itinerary is suitable for those who are in transit and want to just have glimpses of Greece.


So I landed in Athens at 8am and my next connecting flight will depart at 4pm, leaving me 8 hours in between transit. Factor that I need to be back at the airport for check-in on to my next onwards flight, theoretically I only left with 6 hours. So with that, I decide to check myself into Athens and explore! Do note to factor in more time, say to arrive at least 2.5 hours or latest 2 hours before flight depart as immigration queue at Athens airport usually takes up to 30 minutes or beyond.


Firstly, there are 2 choices of getting from Airport to Athens city.  Either you take a train/metro or public bus.  Athens Airport connects it with the city via Metro Line 3, which calls at both Syntagma and Monastiraki stations in the center of the city. If you choose to take the train, journey duration on the train is around 40 minutes. Do note trains frequency only leave 2 times within each hour, particularly on the minutes 05 and 35 (E.g. 8.05am & 8.35am). I would suggest if you landed early (ideally before 11am) in Athens like what I did, recommend taking the public bus into city. Not much traffic with buses leaving at 15 minutes interval and it cost less. Metro cost 9Euro for each way while public bus cost 5.50Euro each way. Taking the bus would mean around 55 minutes ride to reach Syntagma Square, but along the way, one could be able to see the outskirt of Athens.


Locating the metro is easy with following the signages. If you plan to take the bus, locate the Bus number : X95 . This route will take you to Syntagma Square, which is the heart of city and one can easily walk from there to major tourist attractions. Upon at the arrival hall, look for Exit #4, there will be a small station that allows one to pay in cash/credit card to the teller and they will issue you the bus card. Simply tap onto the reader in the bus, do note that you need to tap in order otherwise risk high penalty charges if you are checked not doing so.

The lighter one travel, the more one would be able to see with the limited time in the city. Take the Metro to Monastiraki Metro station, and one will step out right into Athens’ bustling heart. Alternatively, I took the public bus and arrive at Syntagma Square with my 1 big & the other smaller backpack. Deposit the big backpack at the numerous left baggage outlet that can be found nearby. Apparently, it is much cheaper than leaving in the airport and convenience as you can easily retrieve your bags if you forget something when exploring Athens.

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Things to do:

#1) Parliament Square  

The changing of guards will take place every hour in front of the pouch area of the Parliament Building. Do note that in summer time, the temperatures maybe unbearable and there are no shades nearby.


#2) Plaka Neighbourhood

Explore the Plaka neighbourhood for souvenirs , artistic unique shopping items and this area is filled with plenty of dining options.



#3)Acropolis OR  Acropolis Museum

Explore Acropolis only if you want to spend the bulk of your limited time here. Yes, it is the must see attraction but with a wide land mass area to cover and being the hot tourist spot, be prepared to jostle with the crowd. Recommend going in the early morning especially in summer period as there are hardly no shades and temperatures can be scorching hot. Unless if you are like me who had been before, then I will skip this attraction and instead head to the nearby Acropolis Museum. The museum is air conditioned and usually, visitors would head to Acropolis  open site before moving on to the museum. The Acropolis Musuem is equally fascinating with many artefacts and one could take snippets of the Acropolis found just a few blocks away.


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#4) Psiri 

After visiting, next district that one could explore by foot is the Psiri area. Filled with street arts and confusing alleyways, walking in this area give you a sense of the typical scene in Athens. Do note the neighbourhood does seems a bit dirty and dingy at times, but you should be fine by keeping track on the main street. After all, many tourist alike also frequent this area.

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#5) Greek Cuisine 

Greek cuisine is an attraction all by itself, so do not miss eating the fabulous Greek food!  Have a quick meal before heading back to the airport!  One can find many restaurants nearby in the area of Plaka & Psiri.  Restaurants in Plaka is slightly higher price than in Psiri but in terms of ambience, definitely Plaka offers better options.


In summary, one can visit Athens within 6 hours witnessing change of guards at Parliament Square, visiting Acropolis  or its museum and continuing exploration to Plaka & Psiri neighbourhood. End off with a Greek cuisine and off to the airport (1hour ride back if taking bus ).



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